Thursday, June 11, 2009

buisness exercise

hi all,
Today when i woke up in the morning i had no idea that the day ahead will turn out to be such an interesting one.what i expected to be a long and tiring day turned out to be a very rewarding day.
We all went for a jog in the morning and on our return we prepared for professor Manohar kamath
sir's lecture. I was very much exited and looking forward to this workshop by kamath sir because i had heard a lot of rumors about the exercise and it all sounded good. The lecture started on schedule and we were all briefed about the task in front of us. We all formed groups of two persons each like in the buddy system. My partner was Roma.What we were supposed to do was, we had to earn at least 200 rs a group but the catch was that we could not use any resources at our disposal. That meant that we had not even a single rupee in our pocket and we had to reach camp area on our own without any money and without the assistance of any resource at our disposal or our friends disposal. So at around 10 am the journey began.
me and Roma thought about the obvious that lets take a lift from someone. We tried a lot but could not manage any ride.But eventually we succeeded in hitching a ride to m. g. road. We had a tough time at first because we could not land a single job till 11.15. Then we entered into the Raymond's shop and asked about any job which he could offer us. To our good fortune we got hired . We had to work there till 2 pm and the work included sorting out the garments and other items according to there sizes and price. We sorted out all there inventory and was finished by 2 was a great experience as i could judge my own caliber. We earned 300 rs i.e. 150 each. But we were still not satisfied so we started to hunt for another job and finally we landed a job at westside store in sgs mall . Our job was to promote their new discount scheme for the I.T. professionals who would get a discount of upto 7.5 percent. We started working on it asap. We called a lot of I.T. companies and convinced most of their H.R. managers to give us their email i d so that they could forward our mail to their employs. We got about 8 id's and were paid Rs 200 i.e. 100 each.
So now it was time to report at the railway station, but to our disappointment we could not make it on time.We got delayed purchasing the platform tickets.So after this we just hitchhiked our way back to S.I.M.S.
It was a tremendously great experience for me and my buddy as well. We learned a lot and all in all we got to know our potential. I am realy thankful that i got this opportunity